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Benefit Your Fans with Business on Facebook

Have Facebook fan page and thousands of fans. But how can you encourage your fans to act and interact? Maybe now Facebook is not being kind enough to do business, it's still a tremendously valuable business tool. Get your business on Facebook, benefit your fans and gather more fans to do your business.

"Start your business, you need to be where your customers are and your prospective customers are, convert the potential customers to your fans" said Clara Shih, author of "The Facebook Era". "And with growing fans on Facebook, and still growing, that's increasingly where your audience is for a lot of products and services."

Running a Business on Facebook is Not All About Selling
It's not just about marketing — at least, it's not just about selling. People use Facebook to ask questions, engagement with others. You should listen to what your fans are saying, good or bad. You may even pick up ideas for how to improve your business. Only fans are valued, they finally take more friends to be your fans. It's a positive cycle.

Moving away from being an Internet market and go into almost customer service. Keep content fresh. Use status updates and newsfeeds to tell fans about specials, events, contests or anything of interest.

"We can advertise all day, but if we don’t give them what they want they will not be a fan anymore." said Jack Han, CEO of Digiarty Software, Inc. "Even though we represent the 'Win Free Copy' program as business, we don't want to constantly tell people to buy. You talk to them like you talk to your friends on Facebook."

Make Facebook Business Address Close with Web Site
Create a business web presence with Facebook, even if some Facebook business owners don’t have their Web site (most companies still should maintain a Web site to reach people who don’t use Facebook or whose employers block access to the site). Businesses can claim a clear address so that their Facebook address reflects the business name, like www.facebook.com/winxdvd, or directly link to the company’s Web site like WinXDVD.COM.

Succussfully Run Your Facebook Business
1. Get your target audience to spend some of that time getting to know you, your brand, your products and services.
2. Ensure they're made to feel a strong part of your online community.
3. Sharing quality, relevant content and inciting comments.

There also share some ways to interact with your fans, such as ask questions, use the words "you" or "your", keep it short,post in high-traffic windows, respond promptly, thanks for fans, surprise your fans, etc.

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